Sant Atulanand Residential Academy



Our Association with Roots & Shoots

Our Association with Roots & Shoots

Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots

Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots is an eminent program built for students all across the globe under the aegis of Jane Goodall, who is a well-known environmentalist and a champion for all living things.  

SARA has always taken initiatives to maintain green and clean environment for everyone. It believes in the philosophy of 'Less Bricks and More Greens' because it is a known fact that proximity to nature boosts one's creativity and ability. And now by collaborating with Roots and Shoots, SARA has taken up many key projects for the well-being of our surrounding and immediate community.

 Annual Day & Republic Day with Root & Shoot


SARA is 1 of the 11 chosen schools in India to partner with Jane GoodAll Institute in USA for its global project Oceans Are Us. Our team of conscientious students and teachers did action research and undertook a multi dimensional campaign on the issue. Our mentors were trained by Roots and Shoots team and we were visited by global representative Lars from Sweeden along with few other team members. We are grateful to Shweta Naik and to Lars Cederholm and ofcourse to the vision of Jane for guiding us.

Ocean Acidification


Did you know today we are celebrating another Ocean Acidification Day of Action?
*What is Ocean Acidification?*
CO2 dissolves into the ocean, altering its chemical makeup faster than ever in history. As a result, seawater today is 30% more acidic than it was 200 years ago.
An acidic ocean makes it difficult for shellfish and coral to build their shells and skeletons, causing challenges for shellfish growers and putting local economies at risk.
We work together to create awareness, do case studies and researches and encourage student activism on Nature conservation.

Environment & Kid's Carnival 

SARA is celebrating Kids Carnival on 18 December 2022. Students celebrated their different events & competition 1. Baby show, 2. Rhymes, 3. Fancy dress, 4. Story telling, 5. Drawing competition. Kids carnival having Fun games like Toy train, Water Boat, Camel rides, Horse rides, Book Fair etc. Apart from this SARA children has also organised a set up of Root & Shoot (Ocean Are Us) where they have expressed their views & thoughts about environment & aquatic animals. They told following points to save environment-

1) We can protect the environment by reducing the usage of plastics.

2) Saving natural resources is a way to save the environment.

3) Choosing organic fertilizers instead of chemical pesticides will also be helpful.

4) Banning deforestation is a way to save our environment.

5) Opting bicycles in place of vehicles that produce air pollution.

6) Proper garbage and sewage treatment will be helpful for a good environment.

7) By campaigning and generating awareness among people, you can save the environment.

8) You can save the environment by opting 3Rs that are Recycle, Reduce, and Recycle.

9) Make use of renewable resources instead of limited resources.

10) Save electricity by switching off lights and choosing electric saver bulbs.

Green & Clean City

SARA is working in partnership with globally acclaimed Jane Goodall Institute on Nature Project. The theme for this year was Oceans Are Us. Our team has integrated pro nature learning with our school curriculum in a wholesome manner. Our students have done research project, model illustrations, awareness campaigns, cleanliness drives all round the year. Recently our student's work was shared with and appreciated by BHU IIT Professor Dr. R Singh, who is an accomplished and globally recognised academician and environmentalist We are thankful to Team Roots and Shoots for their guidance. We are grateful to Jane Goodall Institute for providing International Platform for our students to learn action research and conduct project campaigns.

Plastic Campaign


Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots is an eminent program built for students all across the globe under the aegis of Jane Goodall, who is a well-known environmentalist and a champion for all living things.  

SARA has always taken initiatives to maintain green and clean environment for everyone. It believes in the philosophy of 'Less Bricks and More Greens' because it is a known fact that proximity to nature boosts one's creativity and ability. And now by collaborating with Roots and Shoots, SARA has taken up many key projects for the well-being of our surrounding and immediate community.

Live Interaction With Scientists


BE A DEEP SEA EXPLORER ON BOARD, NAT GEO EXPEDITION NAUTILUS WITH team Roots and Shoots #OceansAreUs We are thrilled to share a rare opportunity made available exclusively to our students by global team of Jane Goodall Institute – a chance to participate on a ship to shore LIVE interaction with scientists currently on board the N/V NAUTILIUS a deep sea expedition in the Pacific Ocean. The N/V Nautilus is an eight month-long expedition in the Central PACIFIC OCEAN by Ocean Exploration Trust in which scientists conduct deep-sea scientific exploration in the Pacific Ocean using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), autonomous vehicles, and seafloor mapping technologies. On this call from the ship were Nat Geo Explorer Theo Anagnostopoulos from the miocroplastics research team and Dr Jill Tiefethaler, CEO NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. During this interaction the crew gave the attendees an idea of the vision of the expedition and the life of an explorer on Nautilus. They also shared information about their work and discoveries about the impact of microplastics on the deep sea. The crew answered queries from participants. This was one-of-a-kind opportunity for students live from middle of Pacific Ocean.

SARA is a Green Campus


The tree nourishes and protects us and it also keeps the environment green which gives us many aesthetic values. So, we must do everything to protect trees and save them before they disappear completely. The trees capture carbon dioxide, water and also help keep the earth cool and balanced. It shelters us from extreme heat and sunlight. Most importantly, it helps us fight climate change which is the need of the hour. They filter the air present near us by filtering all the toxic substances and odors from the environment. They give us oxygen which is important for our survival. They provide flora and fauna diversity. Apart from all of these, trees give us food and medicines too. It protects us from soil erosion and also helps in controlling food. Thus, we must plant more forests and curb the practice of deforestation and habitat destruction.  All of us should do our part in saving trees and spread awareness about planting more trees as it will help all of us and future generations. Without trees, there won’t be a future at all and it is important to realize and take action before it is too late for us too.

Students of SARA helped to aware the people of community to save tree & water nearby. Children had also talked about problem & issues creating day by day in environment. SARA students have organized a play on ghat of river Ganga in the light of Root & Shoot Programme.  

Assi Ghat & Varuna Visit 

32% of the earth’s surface is covered in green leafy flora. We are dependent on trees for so many reasons, especially for the air we breathe. It helps maintain the planet’s biodiversity. Yet we do not value this natural resource and destroy it by cutting trees and practicing deforestation for our selfish needs, in the name of civilization without realizing the harm we will face. All of us know how valuable trees are for our survival and all the other living beings on this planet. They are the most valuable source of life present on this earth. Every living being is directly or indirectly dependent on it.

Pond Visit


On October 2022 the students of Class VI-VII from SARA School are working on a Design Thinking Project (Root & Shoot) based on problems facing the local water bodies. To support this project, they visited pond Chuppepur Varanasi as an initial visit to understand the problems. They carried posters based on “SAVE OCEAN SAVE EARTH’ and interacted with a few locals there during this visit to understand the issues faced at the local level to bring the design solutions.

